Lakshmi, a poor woman, was living with her mentally challenged husband and two little children. Her husband required regular treatment. They did not have their own house or land. They were living in their brother-in-law's house. She is the only earning member of the family. Her work was seasonal, the wages she was earning was very meager. Her earnings was neither sufficient to maintain the family nor meet the medical expenses. Due to the scarcity of monetary support she had not given proper treatment to her husband. Seeing her condition the Parish Priest and the local Self Help Group members recommended her to be selected for the Family Development Programme.

Situation after Our intervention

After selecting Lakshmi for Save A Family Plan she attended the EAP and EDP training. After the training she decided to start income generation activity. However selecting a proper income generating activity became a difficult task for her. With the guidance of the local Parish Priest, SAFP Coordinator and Animator she planned to take up cow rearing. Now she has three cows and sells milk regularly to the dairy and dairy products such as Butter, Ghee, Curd and butter milk to the neighborhood. She gets regular income from this. She uses the cow dung for agriculture. She has prepared Yashashwini Card in the Dairy through which she gets more benefits. Total expenses of her heart surgery were met through the Yashashwini card. Her husband’s health also has improved. He goes for daily wage work whenever it is available and helps her in her work. She has built her own small house having all the basic facilities. She has also made Life Insurance Policy for social security. She is also an active member of a SHG and does regular savings.

Changes Through Family Animation Team (FAT)

The FAT in her area monitors the family regularly. There is a visible difference in their way of life. Lakshmi is getting a regular income. She actively participates in the SHG as well as social activities. There is a progress in her lifestyle and she has a steady income. They are leading a happy and dignified life style.

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Alkola Circle, Sagar Road,
Gopala Post- 577 205
Shimoga, Karnataka, India

Phone: 8762137914 (Office), 8762137941 (Icdp)
