Shimoga, March 06, 2024: The Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society®, Shimoga celebrated International Women's Day on 06 March 2024 at Agamudi Convention Hall, Alkola Circle, Shivamogga with the theme, “Investing in women: Accelerate progress.” The program began with the Prayer Dance. Mr B. Y. Raghavendra, honourable Member of Parliament, Shimoga inaugurated the celebration by lighting the lamp. In his inaugural message he highlighted how women together with doing the entire household chores in most of the cases support in the development of the families by doing additional work. Many women are doing various income generating activities. He noted that women through Self Help Groups have progressed very well. Today the Government is also giving subsidy and interest free loans to SHGs so that women can achieve more progress. The director thanked the honourable MP for his encouraging message and wished him every success in all his future undertakings. He was felicitated with a shawl, garland and the replica of Ram Mandir.  







Rev. Fr Biju Thomas V. R., Parish Priest of Infant Jesus Church, Sharavathinagar, Shimoga was the Chief Guest. In his address he congratulated all women and wished them every success. He advised all the participants to make the best use of different possibilities and available schemes and achieve development.

Dr A. Anala, Principal, C. Bhimsen Rao National College of Law, Shimoga was the speaker for the day. She highlighted the achievements of women in the present day situation. Every woman plays different roles in the society. It is not correct to say that the women have to cook food for the family members, clean the house, etc. In today’s context these works have to be shared by both husband and wife. Through mutual understanding and sharing of responsibilities progress in the family can be achieved.

Rev. Fr Clifford Roshan Pinto, the Director of Chaitanya presided over the programme. Taking the example of IPS N. Ambika, Deputy Commissioner of Police in Mumbai and the efforts of 7 women from Gujarat who came to Mumbai and started Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad, he stressed that everyone should have a vision. When the vision is clear, every hardship can be turned into a success. He congratulated all the participants for their active participation in all the activities of the organisation.

Dr Chandushree B. P., Obstetrics & Gynecology, Sarji Hospital Shimoga was another speaker of the day. She spoke to all the participants about different sicknesses and the possible remedies. The changing lifestyle and food habits cause several sicknesses. Early detection can reduce future risk. It is a common feature that women neglect their health. In the family women are the last ones to go for health checkup. She advised the participants to undergo regular health checkups and also follow a healthy life style.

Sr. Premalatha, UFS, Coordinator of Family Development Program, SMSSS and Mrs Precilla Martis, President of Streebandhu Sahakari were also present on the dais.     

All the quests were honoured with a shawl, garland  and a memento. Women performed a few cultural programmes, Lunch was served to all the participants. 720 women from 9 Streebandhu Federations participated in the celebration.      


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