Sannidhi, Shivamogga, 10 December 2022: Caritas India, the social development arm of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) completed 60 years of its foundation on 01 October 2022. To mark this event, the Karnataka Region organized the Diamond Jubilee of the organization on 10 December 2022 at Sannidhi, Shivamogga. True to the motto “The joy of Service,” Caritas India has contributed in the sectors of development such as humanitarian aid and disaster risk reduction, natural resource management, sustainable agriculture, health, education, anti human trafficking, good governance, sustainable livelihoods, urban poverty alleviation, peace and social harmony.





The celebration began with the thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, the bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga. After the thanksgiving Mass, Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ and Rev. Fr (Dr) Paul Moonjely, the Executive Director of Caritas India, New Delhi planted 2 mango saplings in remembrance of the Diamond Jubilee year of Caritas India.

The public programme began at 11.30 AM with the prayer dance performed by the girls of Loyola High School, Shimoga. Mr K. T. Gangadhar, State Convener, SFA along with Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Fr (Dr) Paul Moonjely, Fr Richard Pais, Fr Clifford Roshan Pinto inaugurate the programme. In his inaugural address he highlighted the fact that agriculture has become our culture because it is providing livelihood to majority of the population in India. We need to love this culture and try to promote more and more green environment.



Dr Dhananjay Sarji, the Chairman of Sarji Hospitals, Shimoga and a famous Paediatrician appreciated the work of Caritas and noted that we need to do good not to receive accolades or name but silently so that there is inner satisfaction of doing good to the humanity. He also noted that there are three types of people, namely, alive but dead, alive and living, dead but living. Our goal in life should be to belong to the third category. He also said that when our eyes-factory, tongue (sweetness) factory, and heart (love) factory is functioning properly, the life becomes satisfactory. Our looks, our words and our actions should make everyone happy.



Rev. Fr (Dr) Clifford Roshan Pinto, the Director of SMSSS highlighted the works of Caritas India for the past 60 years and noted that Caritas India has worked for the upliftment of the downtrodden with tremendous commitment and deep faith in God and the teachings of the Catholic Church. By the committed work, Caritas India has become a brand in itself, a brand of development, a brand of joyful service, a brand of comfort and consolation to the lost, the last and the least in the society. Rev. Fr (Dr) Paul Moonjely was felicitated by the Bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga and the President of SMSSS. A small contribution too was handed over to Caritas India by Fr Clifford Roshan Pinto and Dr Dhananjay Sarji.



Expressing his gratitude Fr Paul Moonjely thanked Karnataka region and especially SMSSS, Shivamogga for organizing a meaningful/beautiful programme to mark the 60 glorious years of Caritas India’s journey. He explained what Caritas actually is and how the love is put in action through its partner organizations. He also thanked all the partner Directors for their active involvement in taking forward the legacy of Caritas India and honoured the partner directors who were present for the programme.

In his presidential address the Bishop appreciated the yeomen services of Caritas India and noted that Caritas India has always been at the forefront during calamities, natural disasters. He also stated that 60 years for an organization is just a beginning. The fact that the organization has crossed 60 years is an indication that the organization is becoming stronger. He thanked Fr Paul Moonjely and wished Caritas India all the very best.






Seed balls were distributed to all the directors of the partner organizations. The Ujjivana partners exhibited seeds and model villages at the entrance of the hall which highlighted the importance of organic farming and carbon free environment.

Mr Jagadeesha K. H., the Coordinator of SMSSS, Shivamogga welcomed the guests and the gathering. Mr Robert D’Souza, the State Officer of Caritas India for Karnataka State thanked everyone. Mrs Gloria Jyothi Furtado and Mrs Sylvia Maria Correa compered the programme. The programme ended with a fellowship meal. The event was organized and sponsored by the Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society, Shivamogga. Dr Haridas V. R., Thematic Lead - Climate Justice, Caritas India motivated the Ujjivana partners to prepare model village and also exhibit different indigenous seeds.        

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